Clifden Castle

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A ruin by the sea.

This vestige, erected in 1812, is located not far from the town of Clifden, overlooking Clifden Bay. It takes around ten minutes to walk to the foot of the castle along a relatively accessible dirt track. To get there, be smarter than we were, and put "Clifden Castle Parking "** in your GPS. The car park is located not far from a very large arch visible from the road.

clifden castle entrance road arch door
The gateway arch, at the start of the path leading to the Château

This dominant arch marks the start of the path that will lead you to the ruin. With the car parked and our backpacks on, we passed under the arch. Barely a few metres under, we were alerted by a thud. We had just enough time to turn round and watch the spectacle: a flock of sheep was coming straight at us.

clifden castle sheep running with sheepdogs
shepherd dogs take their role very seriously

There's no denying the efficiency of the herding dogs, who really take their work to heart! The two border collie dogs run even faster than the sheep, biting the legs of animals that have taken a wrong turn, inviting them to turn back without delay.

clifden bay cows lying grass in front of bay
Cows graze peacefully opposite Clifden Bay

The cows and sheep are really quiet around here and make you want to join them. The animals are all enjoying the green grass, which I imagine must be very rich and tasty for them. For our part, for once we were fascinated by the scenery and took in the sights.

Along the way, a number of menhirs have been erected in the meadows. Whether they are relics of history or pure decoration, the subject remains a mystery. On our side, the walk continues, gradually giving us a breathtaking view of Clifden Bay. A few bends later, the reward is visible in the distance, the ruin getting closer.

clifden castle face
The ruins of Clifden Castle, seen from the front

I was surprised by the architecture of this castle. I'm much more used to exposed stonework, much less to smooth walls and beautiful curves. My curiosity grew, but it was short-lived. As I got closer, I had to face the facts: it was nothing more than an empty shell.

The story goes that the decline of Clifden Castle began at the end of the 19th century and that it has not been maintained since, which is a shame.

clifden castle inner courtyard
The inner courtyard of Clifden Castle

The back of the château is much greener! Ivy has invaded the stonework everywhere and it's very pleasing to the eye - see for yourself.

When you walk through a place like this, it's always a special moment, a bit out of time. Castles are steeped in history, fear, battle, war and desire, and there are few buildings that have not been courted. They are as fascinating as they are frightening.

In short, this tour was very enjoyable but very short. There was a little taste of urbex by the sea, which wasn't unpleasant.

But that's a long way from saying that this is the place to be.

What about you?

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